How often have you thought about getting involved in social issues? To donate something or even to donate regularly? Helping people who are in need and giving them new courage to face life again?

I'm sure many people feel the same way - but then you ask yourself the question: Where is my commitment best placed? With which organization can I be sure that my donation will really be used for the intended purpose? Who needs my help?
We have also asked ourselves these questions and have found an answer that suits us. We want to support those who can do the least for their fate, who are not yet able to get out of it themselves and who need our help urgently - our children!
In our case, we trust in the decades of experience of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. With a monthly donation, we support the transparent work of SOS Kinderdorf e.V. and are happy to be involved with our small contribution in giving children in Germany a better perspective for their future.
If you are also interested in the help and work of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., then please inform yourself directly here.